The technical characteristics of automatic heel nailing machine: the heel nail, is a nail to fix the heel of the shoe on the inner sole and upper foot process, the use of shoe-making machinery is the nail heel machine. Press-heel shoe technology, the heel is pressed on the outer sole tongue with nails fixed; roll-heel shoe technology, the outer sole tongue is curled and glued to the inside of the heel, with nails to fix the heel on the inner sole and the upper foot. This is a common method of heel nailing, that is, nails are peeled from the bottom to the heel. The working principle of the heel of the shoe machine nail is as follows: before the heel, the shoe-making cover is positioned on the nail head, and the heel of the shoe is aligned on the upper foot and the inner sole. Then, the heel gripper and the heel from the face and back side are pressed on the heel and the inner sole, so that the heel remains in a stable clamping state.
In the process of nailing, the nail with the nail tip upward in the automatic nailing seat is driven into the heel by the force of the cylinder and the nail rod simultaneously or diagonally. At the same time, the gripper and the heel must be pressed with the same or greater force than the nail heel, there is no shrinkage and instability, the nail can not fully penetrate the heel, the nail cap can not be in a solid state with the inner sole surface, neither firm, but also affect the comfort of wearing. The force that presses the heel of the shoe comes from the strong gas liquid special cylinder on the upper part of the clamping device. In order to ensure the firmness of the nail heel, special toothed shoe nails should be selected, and the heel material and the inner sole material with good nailing performance should be used. The number of nails in the heel is determined according to the shape and size of the heel. The distribution and entry angle of the nail on the heel are determined according to the shape and height of the heel. Because of the variety of shapes and heights of the heels, the distribution, number, specifications and angles of the nails on the heels are also very different. In order to ensure that different heels can be reliably fixed on the inner sole and the upper foot, the palm clamping press, the heel side clamping positioner, and the automatic nailing seat must be designed and manufactured according to the shape and size of the heel.
Adjustment and use of automatic nail-following machine: Before operation, first check whether the specifications of nail-driving seat, nail-loading disc and clamping positioning mechanism conform to the specifications and dimensions of the following, and whether the nail length in the nail feeder conforms to the technical requirements. During operation, the shoe and heel are placed on the nail holder, and the foot control switch is stepped down after correcting correctly. The clamping and positioning mechanism press the heel to press the nail holder positively, and then press the nail button, and the nailing will be carried out automatically. According to the material of shoe heel, choose one nail method or procedure nail method.
The main contents of the automatic nail-heel machine adjustment are: when the nail can not fully penetrate the heel, to increase the pressure of the pressurized cylinder, or adjust the length of the nail rod; when the nail tip is exposed outside the heel, to trim the angle of the end of the nail rod or reduce the length of the nail; when the number of nails is insufficient, to adjust the nail delivery channel, nail divider. When changing the style of the product and the heel of the shoe, the relevant parts of the clamping positioner, the nailing disc and the nailing pedestal should be replaced or adjusted according to the technological requirements.
Maintenance of automatic nail heel machine includes: to keep the nail delivery system clean, do not produce oil stains and cause nail transport obstruction; pressurized cylinder to maintain sufficient hydraulic oil to avoid pressure loss, to maintain three pneumatic normal work, so that the air source is dry and lubricated; temporarily unused nail holder, nail tray, clamp positioning Equipment and other process equipment should be properly preserved for use when changing varieties.